Wednesday, 30 June 2010

iMadeThis iPhone Application

I also now have an excellent new name for my application - it is especially good as this is how I feel about my development - i Made This !!!

I have also finished my icon...
 I like it but any feedback would be useful!!

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

My new opportunity (although I don't get paid!)

I am now on gardening leave from my job as I was made redundant from the Bank that I worked for the last 13 years so this project has changed from a hobby to a possible career!

I am really enjoying the luxury of spending some real time on this project and actually being able to focus on learning how to develop iPhone apps.

It is quite scary and yet exciting at the same time!

Monday, 28 June 2010

My idea!!

I have a great idea for an iPhone application and I am looking forward to developing a real iPhone application rather than running through exercises or taking apart samples Apple Developer Sample Applications.   Although I found iPhoneCoreDataRecipes, UICatalog, PageControl and Locations really good applications to take apart.

My idea is based on something I thought "oh, wouldn't it be useful if I could..." which is normally how good ideas materialise.  Although I know that I haven't come up with anything totally revolutionary like 'Cat Eyes' or 'the Dyson'! - but it is something that I would use everyday and I know that I can produce a system that is robust and stylish.

The application is also centred around a topic that is very important to me - protecting memories.